5 Skills of a successful recruiter

5 Skills of a successful recruiter

5 Skills of a successful recruiter🔥

Natural charm alone is not enough to become the best of the best.

Today we will consider with you those soft skills that best help recruiters in their work☝🏻

👥Communicativeness - the basis of a recruiter's work is communication. Find the right words, establish warm relationships, and be able to briefly and accurately explain the essence. This skill can also be trained! Get out of your comfort zone, and expand your circle of communication. read a lot of books so that your vocabulary is not poor. And you will succeed in everything!

🧐Analytical skills - sometimes it is very difficult to find a good specialist, you need to search for candidates on various channels, compare the search criteria with the candidate's experience, and analyze resumes, and technical skills.

🏆Effectiveness - the main task of a recruiter is to find the right specialist and close the vacancy. Therefore, learn not to give up halfway. Of course, you won't be able to close every vacancy, but strength and perseverance have never fooled anyone😜

✔️Organization - a recruiter has many different tasks, from searching for candidates to their analysis, and coordination in front of the manager. And in this rhythm, the main thing is not to confuse what, where, and how) Now there are many applications for organization, or just buy yourself a large notebook) Any method - so that it is convenient for you!

🤓Qualification - sourcing candidates, selecting them according to criteria: knowledge of technical skills, deadlines: interviews: sending offers. YOU must be on the topic and know the specifics of your field. Therefore, do not stop - develop 😄

Not everything is given to us by mother nature at once, and sometimes you need to make a lot of effort to become the best of the best!

But believe me, the result is worth it

Viktoria Zhdaniuk

Viktoria Zhdaniuk