How to organize remote work?

How to organize remote work? has compiled 5 basic rules:

  • prepare a plan: determine the team's goal and what it needs to achieve. Describe the structure of the team, in which you must designate a manager for reporting and control of work terms;
  • set up transparent communication: define tools for communication and setting tasks, as well as set clear boundaries of working hours (which is especially important for developers who live in different time zones);
  • build a team culture: professional ethics, team spirit, and personal responsibility are components that will help you feel part of a big cause;
  • organize feedback: do not create one-way communication, the employee must have a way to give his feedback;
  • do not forget about the adaptation of newcomers: organize training, familiarization meetings, or prepare documents with the necessary information about the company.

Remember these 5 rules and your new team will be successful!

Viktoria Zhdaniuk

Viktoria Zhdaniuk