Scorecards. How to use?

Scorecards. How to use?

Let's talk today about the life hacks of our Recruiters!

There is such a strange thing as Scorecard, what is it and with this, it is "eaten"?

Scorecards are used to create a portrait of a candidate and assess his skills. This helps to correctly compare candidates and determine which of them is more suitable for the vacant position.

The recruiter fills in to evaluate the candidate on a numerical scale☝🏻

How to use Scorecards?

  1. Enter the job title and the name of the candidate
  2. Write down the necessary Soft Skills and Hard Skills
  3. Rate each school from 1 to 5
  4. Calculate the average score, and leave your comment.

The degree of expressiveness of the candidate's competence is assessed on the scale ⬇️

0 - not expressed at all, the candidate is withdrawn, does not make contact well
10 - strongly expressed - the candidate is easy to communicate with, understands the essence of questions, and gives comprehensive answers)

Here are some of them:

📍Leadership 📍Orientation to the team - the desire and ability to solve joint tasks 📍Decision-making - the ability to make decisions independently and take responsibility 📍Organization and planning - the ability to correctly prioritize work 📍Orientation on the result

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