Google VS Bing!

Google VS Bing!

Google VS Bing! Let's talk with you about news from the world of technology! Lately Chat GPT has made even such a giant as GOOGLE nervous😜

Google is "in a panic" trying to saturate its search engine with functions based on generative AI. In addition, the company is working on a completely new search engine - communication with it will be more like a dialogue with a person. This is stated in the report of The New York Times.

But according to a report in The New York Times, Google employees were shocked to learn that Samsung plans to replace Google with Microsoft's Bing as the default search engine on its devices. This led not only to reputational losses for Google, but also to a loss of income - the contract with Samsung gives the company more than 3 billion dollars a year.

In addition, Google reported that they may soon lose the contract with Apple, which costs even more - $10 billion annually.

However, with the latest news from Microsoft about updating Bing with built-in ChatGPT, Google is losing the AI race. This could be a serious threat to their search business over the past 25 years. In addition, Google has released its own chat called Bard, but for now it is moving away from OpenAI development and is only available to a limited number of users.

But, as always, Google is not sitting idly by. The company is determined to fight for its place in the market of search engines and is actively working on improving its products.

One such product is a new search engine that will use generative AI and acquire skills as it interacts with users. A report from The New York Times claimed that this search engine will be presented at the I/O 2023 conference, which will be held in May this year.

But that's not all. In addition to developing a new search engine, Google is also actively working on integrating artificial intelligence into the search engine. This allows the company to maintain its leadership in the industry and provide users with more accurate and faster search results.

So, although Google may know some difficulties, the company is determined to fight and control the leadership in its market👊🏻

Viktoria Zhdaniuk

Viktoria Zhdaniuk